Ignition Coil for Polaris 550 Snow Replaces OEM# 3089478, 3087214 & 3087191

Ignition Coil for Polaris 550 Snow Replaces OEM# 3089478, 3087214 & 3087191

Ignition Coil for Polaris 550 Snow Replaces OEM# 3089478, 3087214 & 3087191

SKU DHXQ.05058 3089478, 3087216, 3087214 3087191 Category Tags , , , ,

Manufactured by
Replaces OEM #’s 3089478, 3087216, 3087214 3087191
Sold Each
Compatible with Polaris models below:
2002 440 Pro X Fan cooled
2003 440 Pro X Fan cooled
2003 550 Classic Edge **Built After 8/13/2002**
2003 550 Sport Touring
2003 550 SuperSport Edge **Built After 8/13/2002**
2003 550 SuperSport Edge X F/O **Built After 8/13/2002**
2003 550 SuperSport M-10 F/O **Built After 8/13/2002**
2003 550 SuperSport M-10 X F/O **Built After 8/13/2002**
2003 550 Trail Touring
2004 340
2004 340 Classic
2004 340 Touring
2004 550 Classic Edge
2004 550 Pro X Fan
2004 550 Sport Touring
2004 550 SuperSport Edge
2004 550 Trail RMK
2004 550 Trail Touring
2005 340 Classic
2005 340 Touring
2005 550 Classic
2005 550 SuperSport
2005 550 Trail RMK
2005 550 Trail Touring
2005 550 Trail Touring Deluxe
2006 340 Classic
2006 340 Touring
2006 550 Classic
2006 550 SuperSport
2006 550 Trail RMK
2006 550 Trail Touring
2006 550 Trail Touring Deluxe
2007 340 Edge LX
2007 340 Edge Touring
2007 550 LX Edge
2007 550 SuperSport Edge
2007 550 Trail RMK
2007 550 Trail Touring Deluxe
2008 340
2008 340 Transport
2008 550 LX
2008 550 SuperSport
2008 550 Trail RMK
2008 550 Trail Touring
2009 550 IQ Shift
2009 550 Trail RMK
2009 550 Trail Touring
2010 550 IQ Shift
2010 550 Trail RMK
2010 550 Trail Touring
2011 550 IQ LXT
2011 550 IQ Shift
2011 550 Shift 136
2012 550 IQ LXT
2012 550 IQ Shift
2012 550 Shift 136
2013 550 IQ LXT
2013 550 IQ Shift
2013 550 Shift 136

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